Hey all ya all,
As you all should know from my past post, we at the Jachmann house live on
all cycles and
one at the same time! David is on his schedule. Alex is on his schedule. Isabelle is her schedule. Alison is on her schedule.
We are all on different schedules right now.
Sometimes, we are all on the same cycle. :)
Sometimes, we are not. :(
I would love to be on David's schedule and eat, drink, work, and drive. I would love to be on Alex's schedule and play, work, and rest. I would love to be on Isabelle's cycle and sleep, eat, poop and peep. But I am not. I am on my schedule and I am premenstrual, menstrual, post menstrual. =:0
Apparently, the world revolves around ourselves sometimes. And sometimes, we revolve around the world. :/
Sometimes, it's summer. Sometimes, it's spring. Sometimes, it's fall. And, sometimes, it's winter.
Thanks everyone for everything,
I love you, and love everything,
Sending smiles for miles.
Alison :)
P. S. "Which came first, the chicken or the egg?" My answer is "both
and none! What's yours?"