Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've been tagged!!

I was tagged by my friend Karlyn.

Seven random/weird facts about myself:

1. I hate shopping.

2. I love eating good food.

3. I have very colorful walls in my home that I detest, but am too lazy to paint.

4. I never like to miss out on an opportunity to hang out with friends and family.

5. I am voting "YES" on Prop. 8 on Tuesday, November 4th to protect and restore traditional marriage.

6. I am an instigator and a peacemaker depending on how I feel about the issue at hand.

7. I wish Alex would nap in the afternoon like he used to so he would be happy and rested for some fun in the evening (and so I could get some things done without distraction).

Tag SEVEN people? Amy, Laurie, Memory, Rachael, Andrea, Jennifer, & Monica

I've been tagged!

So my sister Kirstin officially tagged me. The tag is:

My Pictures Folder

4th Folder

4th Picture

August 1, 2003 I probably found this picture on the web looking for info on poisonous plants for my girls camp lesson on edible and poisonous plants. I miss girls camp. I think they assigned that lesson to me every year after I took the class on field botany from PCC. Then the last year I went, the lady that did the cooking class had moved so they asked me to do that one. Just because I got a degree in Family Consumer Science doesn't mean I know how to do dutch oven cooking. I bought a dutch oven kit at Costco and practiced in my backyard with David's help. Cornbread and Chili. yum. Fun memories.

I tag anyone who wants to do it.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Silly Laws

Watch this video, rate it and forward it to your friends and family.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Protect Marriage-Vote Yes on Prop 8 and spread the word

A fireside was broadcast last night concerning Proposition 8 that is going to be voted on in California. We were encouraged to make our support known any way we can... they recommended blogging about it and even putting it on facebook.
I am in full support of Prop 8. We as a society need to protect the sacred union of a man and woman. We want to protect the integrity of our families. Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and we cannot allow that sacred ordinance to be defiled.
Spread the word to vote Yes on Prop 8 on Nov 4th.

Preserving the Divine Institution of Marriage